Thursday, December 24, 2009

Adult Shampoo on a 3 Year old girl?

Hi. My 3 yr old niece suffers from scanty hair growth. Therefore her mother is using root energizing hair oil from Lotus which has worked wonders for her. She is also contemplating using hair growth schwarzkopf shampoo on her. My question is it advisable to use adult shampoo to wash a 3 yr old's hair or should she stick baby care products as of now.Adult Shampoo on a 3 Year old girl?
I'm more discombobulated as to why her mother is so concerned about the hair growth of a three year old that she feels she has to put all this stuff in her hair. That just seems crazy and there are more things to worry about than how long the toddler's hair is.Adult Shampoo on a 3 Year old girl?
She is only three. Some childrens hair grown and thicken and develop slower than others. Stick to baby shampoo!
I use to have the same problem when I was a baby what my mom did though she would give me a buzz cut every six weeks (she would put me in dresses and have pretty hair bands so I won't look like a boy lol) until I was five by then my hair started to thicken

it's not good to put harsh adult shampoo on a baby stick to baby shampoo and if it's such a big concern consult a doctor

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